
A collection of publications that have been done on Fosters Meadow, from 1924 to 2012. 

Presented in chronological order.

Farming That Will Pay You A Profit in 1924
Farm & Fireside, The National Farm Magazine, by L.E. Call, April 1924, Vol. 48. No. 4
Farming That Will Pay You A Profit in 19
Adobe Acrobat Document 13.3 MB

Fosters Meadow, The Origins and Transformation of a German Farming Community
The Long Island Forum, The Magazine of Long Island’s History and Heritage, by Paul W. Hoffman, Vol. LXIV, No. 3, Summer 2001
Fosters Meadow, The Orgins and Transform
Adobe Acrobat Document 10.4 MB

The Perils of Farming in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries: The Experience of Fosters Meadow
The Long Island Forum, The Magazine of Long Island’s History and Heritage, by Paul W. Hoffman, Vol. LXV, N. 4, Fall 2002
The Perils of Farming in the Late 19th a
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB

Fosters Meadow, Herman’s Hotel and the Young Farmers’ Light Guard.
The Long Island Forum, The Magazine of Long Island’s History and Heritage, by Paul W. Hoffman, Vol. LXVI, No. 4, Fall 2003
Hermans' Hotel and the Young Farmers Lig
Adobe Acrobat Document 14.7 MB

A Trace of Fosters Meadow discovered in Elmont

Long Island Herald, by Jackie Nash, Jan. 10, 2012
